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Chinese translation for "economic cooperation administration"


Related Translations:
productive cooperation:  生产合作社
cooperation agreement:  合作协议
interschool cooperation:  校际合作
interspecific cooperation:  种间合作
trading cooperation:  贸易公司
cooperation attack:  配合进攻
library cooperation:  馆际合作
cooperation centre:  协作中心
horizontal economic cooperation:  横向经济联合
medical international cooperation:  国际医学合作组织
Example Sentences:
1.The applicant shall submit an application to the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the people ' s government of the province , the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality where the proposed foreign - invested construction enterprise is to be established
2.The foreign trade and economic cooperation administration departments of the people ' s government of provinces , autonomous regions or directly administered municipalities shall be responsible for the administration of the establishment of foreign - invested construction enterprises within their authorised jurisdiction ; the construction administration departments of the people ' s government of the provinces , or autonomous regions or directly administered municipalities shall , in accordance with these regulations , be responsible for the administration of qualifications of foreign ? invested construction enterprises within their administrative regions
3.Article 8 the procedures for the establishment of a foreign - invested construction enterprise as a contractor or a specialised contractor with grade b or lower qualifications or any of the subcontractor qualifications shall be administered by the construction administration department and the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the people ' s government of the province , the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality based on local conditions with reference to article 7 of these regulations and regulations on administration of construction enterprise qualifications
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